Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Type Catalogs and Revit 2010

If you are getting a Cannot make type. error when loading in type catalogs check to see if they contain fractions.

They switched to Visual Studio 2008 for Revit 2010 and are now using the decimal format, which requires all type catalogs to be in decimal format. The "Use decimal format" trigger that helped me figure this out is buried in the Families Guide for 2010.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Deep Purging Revit Models

Simple right? Manage tab and Purge Unused. Well yes that will do it to a degree but I have been removing a lot more than that from models linked into my own with great success.

Problem: Architect sends me a model that is 200 MB, it has to load every time I open my model. It's really slow, what can be done?

Solution: I have been doing this for a while with great success, I've seen 200 MB architectural models slim down to 120 MB. 40% is size loss is common. Here's how I do it...

1. Open model with audit and detach from central
2. Create 2D dwfs of their sheets for reference
3. Remove all CAD and Revit links
4. Un-issue Revisions if they exist
5. Delete all schedules and legends
6. Delete most views, I usually leave the main floor plans so they can be referenced on our plans
7. Delete all sheets
8. Purge unused

Tip: Un-sort all the views and sheets before deleting so you don't have to expand all the categories.

This works because you aren't changing anything in the model, you just aren't leaving any way to look at it. MEP views are generally setup with levels and view ranges anyway and not based on anything the architect has setup. I have been doing this with architectural and structural models for 2 years now and there is only 1 model where it has caused problems. I simply left the views in that one (still deleted sheets, legends, and schedules) and it works fine.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Broken Space Schedule

Just posted this on augi but it seems like a good blog post as well. I uploaded an example there with some broken spaces and schedules.

Problem: I sometimes have trouble finding all the spaces that cause errors after an architectural model update. There are redundant spaces, unbounded spaces, spaces that are now between walls, etc. If only there was a way to get Revit to produce a list of these so I can use the Show... feature and hunt them all down.

Solution: Broken Space Schedule. A simple schedule where spaces with areas greater than 1 square foot filtered out. According to Revit "Not Enclosed < 1 ft^2" and "Redundant < 1 ft^2", thank goodness Revit doesn't do calculus. The 1 sqft is arbitrary, you could use 5 or 10 sqft if you want to find uselessly small spaces as well as broken ones.

Sometime I call it a "Deviant Space Schedule" so users don't think think the actual schedule is broken and delete it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Been a while...

I know its been a while since I last posted but no one follows this blog so I doubt I've hurt anyone's feelings.

Look for a post on purging an architectural model over the weekend. Not just using the purge all unused tool, but really trimming the model down.